Yay! I slept through the night..first time in a week.
Last week I was sick with allergies or a cold. I still worked and functioned fine, just wasn’t a hundred percent. And definitely didn’t sleep well due to the drainage and stuffiness, all at the same time.
Sunday late night (or Monday early, early morning) I woke up with some sort of stomach bug. Normally I would have still pushed myself and worked all day even though I felt terrible.
Part of Finding My Way is understanding my strengths and weaknesses…a theme throughout these 31 Days.
A strength, but also a weakness, is the manner in which I push myself. I usually push myself to extremes.
But this challenge has helped me. My running was the first example of both understanding and learning that it is ok…that I don’t have to push myself all the time. I realized that while running is good for me, I don’t have to train for a marathon. I can just run because its healthy, both physically and mentally.
Yesterday was another good example of learning that its ok to not push. I was sick. Because I had been sick last week, although, again, not on my death bed, and because Andreas leaves for Trinidad for a couple of days and I have Emma, I didn’t need to do more than I should. I could take a sick day and get better. Life wasn’t going to stop. Most times, I have to be on my death bed in order to do that. That was not the case yesterday. But while I was definitely not good, I could have worked. And if I am being honest, I did some. But I forced myself to only do what needed to absolutely be done.
I have that same issue when I take vacation. I work throughout the vacation, most times. But I am learning that I don’t have to be superwoman. Its ok to take a step back and relax.
I still don’t feel a hundred percent. And I expect, based on the stomach cramps that I am already having, that it will still be a tough day. But if I need to, I will take a break. I will manage the things that have to be done and do them well, but I will relax and remind myself that its not always healthy to push myself too much.
I am not going to proofread this one at all. I am sure you will notice with the choppy sentences, random thoughts and repetitive vocabulary. I just let my thoughts flow freely. But this part of the process with being ok with less than perfect.
While I know that I am not perfect, that is the persona that I have wanted to create for most and is the standard for me. That is the problem…I want to be perfect and I have strived for that all my life.
Its ok…I don’t have to be.
Wow…I said that aloud.
With that…I leave you for the day!
Want to Link up to a New Link Party? Share it Sunday was launched October 20th! Be sure to stop by and Check out some great Inspiration and gear up your Post your Favorite Posts Beginning again on Saturday evening!
Previous 31 Days to Find My Way Posts:
- 31 Days to Find My Way (denisedesigned.com)
- Day 1: The Challenge (denisedesigned.com)
- Day 2: Its Ok to Ask for Help (denisedesigned.com)
- Day 3: Honest Feedback (denisedesigned.com)
- Day 4: Support System (denisedesigned.com)
- Day 5: Significant Experiences (denisedesigned.com)
- Day 6: Value (denisedesigned.com)
- Day 7: What did I do? (denisedesigned.com)
- Day 8: Characteristics of a Creative Person (denisedesigned.com)
- Day 9: Some Results (denisedesigned.com)
- Day 10: Picking Myself Back Up (denisedesigned.com)
- Day 11: Confidence (denisedesigned.com)
- Day 12: Did it Work? (denisedesigned.com)
- Day 13: Significant Experiences Results (denisedesigned.com)
- Day 14: What I have done for Payment (denisedesigned.com)
- Day 15: Quotes of the Day (denisedesigned.com)
- Day 16: What I have Learned Thus Far (denisedesigned.com)
- Day 17: A Lesson to Learn (denisedesigned.com)
- Day 18: Setting Goals (denisedesigned.com)
- Day 19: Setting My Goals (denisedesigned.com)
- Day 20: Priorities (denisedesigned.com)
- Day 21: Accomplishments (denisedesigned.com)
- Day 22: Almost There (denisedesigned.com)
- Day 23: Whats Next (denisedesigned.com)
- Day 24: Answers to Whats Next (denisedesigned.com)
- Day 25: Playing it Safe (denisedesigned.com)
- Day 26: A Role Model (denisedesigned.com)
- Day 27: Business Plan (denisedesigned.com)
- Day 28: Improved Writing Skills (denisedesigned.com)