Gratitude Challenge Day 19
Emma started 1st Grade last week!!!
First…I cannot believe I am just now writing about it. And Second…I just can’t believe that she is in the first grade! Insane at how fast time flies.
I remember last year this time…Kindergarten.
That was a stressful time. I had just come home from the hospital the day before the first day of school (on a Sunday) after having been in the hospital for a week. I had everything go wrong that week in the hospital, Mattias was born at 28 weeks (at the end of that week of hospital stay) and Emma was being taken care of by others due to Andreas having to be at the hospital so much. She had seen me with so many wires prior to Mattias’ birth and then had to see Mattias in the state he was in…with so many tubes and wires after he was born.
But even more important, she was starting a school in which she knew no one. Her daycare friends, those that she had gone to school with since 6 weeks old, were all going to other schools. Quite a few of them were going to the same schools, but poor Emma was completely alone. New school, new friends, new teachers…and all after not having been able to celebrate her birthday, my issues and all that was going on with Mattias.
But that was last year. Fast forward to now.
She is doing well. Last year is in the rear view mirror.
Emma is a smart, funny and happy little girl who is well-mannered and loved by most everyone that she comes in contact with…both adults and her peers. Just amazing.
But she is also surrounded by some pretty awesome people as well. Between her family and our friends, she has some great role models. I couldn’t be more grateful.
I always wanted children, but when I was pregnant with Emma, I didn’t realize how much I could love a child like I immediately did when I gave birth to her. During the pregnancy, I swore I would never have another child (as that pregnancy with her was tough as well), but the minute I had her, the amount of love that I felt, I knew I wanted another.
After time passed, I didn’t think we would have another child and as such, I couldn’t have even imagined sharing the love that I have for her with anyone else anyway. But after having Mattias, I know I can share my love. And while I will never choose a favorite, Emma holds a special place in my heart.
I can’t wait to see what this year brings us.
I so love her so much and am proud of who she is becoming. I am a proud mama.
Today I am Grateful for these 3 things…
- Emma…not only because she is as wonderful as I have shared above, but also because she loves me unconditionally.
- Emma’s role models who influence her in such a positive manner.
- My family and friends who are more than role models, but love her almost as much as I do (well..maybe not quite that much, but certainly as much as a one can).
Congratulations Emma! I know 1st Grade will be an awesome year for you.
CLICK HERE for the complete 30 Day Gratitude Challenge.