Gratitude Challenge Day 14
Writing a Novel
I love to read books. I don’t spend as much time as I like emerged in one, but I do read on every flight….takeoff and landing and sometimes in between. And I read quite a variety of books…self-help, thrillers, no brainers (meaning no emotion other than the occasional laugh) and the list goes on. Today I started reading a new Jane Green book. I love her. I think I have every book she ever wrote. Even the ones where she partnered with someone else.
Anyway…the point…I love reading so much that I have always dreamed of writing a novel or book. If I am being honest, that’s really why I started blogging.
I started because I wanted to improve my writing, was good at home design and was creative with my home design choices. So I thought…combining all those, I could do something I enjoyed and eventually enable me to write a book.
What kind of book? I don’t know. I have flip flopped quite a few times. Sometimes I think of the perfect self-help and sometimes it’s the fiction…the Jane Green type of book…that I think I will write.
My goal is still to publish a book. I am not sure where, in my new set of goals (another day to come), becoming an author will fit, but it is my goal. I plan to just go with the flow and be open to when and how it might happen.
In the meantime, I use my blog to practice my writing and hopefully guide me in my new direction. And you poor souls have chosen to take the ride with me…see where I am going. 🙂 Ha!
Honestly, though, thank you! Thank you for sticking by me and coming back to read often. I do appreciate you.
And, of course, I have 3 Things that I am Grateful for today…
1. My writing. While it may not be the best writing, yet, I enjoy it and am glad that I have the chance to use my blog to continue to improve.
2. You! I am honored that you are here reading my blog. Whether it’s the DIY tutorials or the editorials such as this one…Thank you so much!
3. Goals! That I have some newly established goals, that I will share with you more another day, that I can work towards achieving.
Life is Good!!!
Click Here for the complete Gratitude Challenge.