Gratitude Challenge Day 9
What is Motivation
It is the act or process of giving someone a reason for doing something: the act or process of motivating someone.
It is the condition of being eager to act or work: the condition of being motivated.
It is a force or influence that causes someone to do something.
These are all definitions from Mirriam-Webster.
I don’t know about you, but I have struggled with motivation for over a year now. It started when I found out I was pregnant and had all day sickness. Yes…you heard that right. I didn’t just have morning sickness, I was sick all day long. Then I contracted Toxoplasmosis. That was terrible. The meds that I had to take until the amniocentesis came back were even worse. They made me feel miserable. (Using a lot of descriptive words here) After the amnio results came back ok, we jetted off for a vacation. Not much after that…boom…hospital. Mattias tried to come early. He succeeded! He was 3 months early and in the NICU for 2 months. And then it was about balance.
That all happened in 2014. But here we are in 2015 and I still struggled. Between a 5 year and almost 1 year old, work, travel for work, and the list goes on…I have been just tired. No motivation to even do as much work as I used to do.
I really thought that running and focusing on me would help me feel more motivated. And I can say I am more motivated.
But I have been an emotional wreck. Crying all the time. Feeling guilty, as if something isn’t getting the attention it deserves. And I have been just plain tired.
Andreas even brought me a pregnancy test. But it was negative…thank goodness.
My hope was that I would start this 30 Day Gratitude Challenge and it would help me as well.
So…the reality…the running, the morning blogging, and taking a few minutes here and there for me during the day have helped motivate me to do more.
But I think I have a long road ahead of me.
I guess the moral of the story or take away for you…
Motivation may not come easy.
Look inside and determine what may be causing the lack of motivation. Then make a plan to get it back. And be honest with yourself.
Here are my 3 Things that I am Grateful for today…
1. That I am honest enough with myself to know what I need to find that motivation again.
2. That I have resources available to me so that I can find that motivation again such as my blog, my iphone (so I can listen to music while I run) and my family and friends who cheer me on.
3. My strength. I may have moments of weakness, but I always find my strength again.
I wish for you the same! Tell me what you are struggling with. Leave your comments below.
Click Here for the Complete 30 Day Gratitude Challenge.