Gratitude Challenge Day 6
Accepting Yourself…
…can be hard. I don’t know about you but I struggle with things daily. I am too fat. I wish I had more patience. I wish I enjoyed doing this activity more. I wish! I wish! I wish!
I wish I could be more accepting of myself.
Now don’t get me wrong. I know my faults and I have a lot of them. And those are the things that I accept. Sometimes. For example…I know that I am an enabler. I have accepted that of myself and have tried to work around that…catching myself when I fall into that habit.
But then…I hate my weight right now. Why can’t I accept my weight and just move on? Instead…I mope around about it until I finally find the energy or motivation to do something about it.
Hey…then am I accepting of myself afterall? Do I then just decide the things that I want to change and work on changing?
Accepting yourself doesn’t mean that you can’t evolve?!? Hmmm…
I guess the question for you then is…
Do you accept yourself?
Are you even honest with yourself?
Are you willing to change the things that you recognize are not your favorite traits or characteristics?
I challenge you to write down a list of things you like about yourself (because I always think you should start off by being positive).
Then a list of the ones that you do not. From that list, which ones are you willing or want to change? Pick one of them to start with and make a plan. Now! Which are the ones that you cannot or do not want to change? These are the ones, then, that you just need to accept about yourself. Understand that these are the traits or characteristics that make you YOU!
So for me…
The 3 Things that I am Grateful for today are:
1. That I know my faults.
2. That I know the traits or characteristics that I want to change.
3. That I work on the things that I want to be different.
I am Accepting of Myself!
Click HERE for the complete 30 Day Challenge!