Be sure to do your own homework, but most people will tell you that WordPress is the best blog platform. A lot of people will start on one platform and migrate to WordPress eventually.
There is, however, a big difference between and (self-hosted)! I learned the hard way!
Rather than going into the specifics, visit WordPress to read more about the differences yourself.
It is easy to want to get started with because it is free (if you use one of their provided templates). Don’t be swayed by the word “FREE” until you answer these questions:
- Will my blog be a personal blog where I can just share my stories?
- Do I want to turn my blog into a business?
- Do I want to monetize?
- Do I want to link up with other blogs?
If you just want your blog to be a personal one that you don’t want to turn into a business, monetize, link up with other blogs or anything else that would take the blog to the “Next Level”, then is a great place to build your blog.
But if you want to turn your blog into more than a hobby, then you should definitely build your blog out on the platform.
You can always start on and take advantage of the “FREE” until you can determine whether it is successful or not. You can just migrate later. I would only caution you. If migrating is even a possibility, then do not pay for a premium template from Continue with the free until you decide to move off of and choose the new design template at the same time that you are migrating. Life will be so much easier then for you.
This article was really only about WordPress,com vs As we all have different likes, tastes, styles, opinions…you may find that or org doesn’t really meet your requirements. That’s ok as there are many other choices out there.
The KEY is to make a list of what your goals are and research which platforms help you meet those goals.
Good luck and check back for more tips.
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[ Smiles ] Actually, I have contemplated on the dot me (.me); unfortunately, I do not know the advantages or the disadvantages of that aspect of WordPress.
In regards to a dot org (. org), a blogger would need to be tech-savvy, because they are responsible for adding their own theme, security program and various plugins!
Although, there is more freedom with a dot org (.org), I would choose a dot com (.com) because it is less headache.
Very informative article. I always like reading the content on this site. Also, can I use the featured image for another publication aslong as I cite the author?
Thanks for reading, commenting and just plain old stopping by. Yes you can!
I agree. Very informative. Thanks also for allowing the use of the featured image. most of my work is done with wordpress.