A zit:
Yes…we can still get them as adults. Can you believe that? Didn’t you think thats what our torturous teenage years were supposed to be for…to go through the days of acne? Acne for adults is actually more common that one would think. Heck…I am proof of that. 🙂
So what causes it? I know that I tend to break out more when I am stressed out. But did you know that there isn’t any real confirmation that stress actually causes acne?!?!? I know…right?!?!? I thought I could blame it on that.
But there is confirmation that there is definitely something that can be associated between the two.
Stress is something that you feel.
Acne is something that you see.
Acne is bacteria in your pores.
Stress can cause an inflammatory response in your skin. Additionally…when you are stressed, your body produces more androgen (a male hormone). High levels of androgen can lead to acne and particularly in women.
So, of course, its important to have a good cleaning regimen. But, while its not directly linked, it is good to reduce the amount of stress. That’s a whole ‘nother post…how to reduce stress.
Your challenge...if you are prone to acne…don’t allow your skin to breakout by cleaning your face regularly and try to get some exercise to reduce your stress.
For more information, you can visit Exposed Skin Care http://www.exposedskincare.com/acne-treatment-faq/does-stress-cause-acne.html.